I have never been a huge fan of writing essays. I was really nervous when I found out that I had to take English 102, because I thought I was done taking English classes after 101. I never really understood how writing essays would help me in getting my RN. Once this class started and I saw the syllabus I was terrified, it seemed as if we were going to be writing essays nonstop! After a few weeks of class, I realized that it was not going to be so bad. With the informal and evaluative essay completed and graded, I felt pretty good about myself and my writing. Then came the Critical Analysis.
With the critical analysis I had a hard time not summarizing the movie and not quoting enough. After talking with my instructor, it came clear to me that I have to really think of my audience before I write. Thinking that my audience has already seen the movie and I do not have to tell my audience what the movie was about, made me realize how to avoid summarizing. I learned that I had to just analyze and dissect the movie, how I saw what was happening or being used in the movie, I had to use MY voice.
When it came to quoting enough in a paper, I was nowhere near where I am now when I started this class. I never thought that you had to quote anything but actual direct quotes from a person's work. I also learned that the more you quote, the more space you fill up in your paper.
While writing the research paper, I found that turning in parts of it at different times really helped make the writing process easier. I was terrified to write a research paper! Starting out with a topic, then a thesis, then finding sources, going through and cutting down those sources, making the annotated bibliography, working up an outline, writing a rough draft, having peer edits, and then creating my final copy made writing this paper not so difficult. I learned how to organize my thoughts and edit what I wanted to write so that it made sense to others.
I would never say that I am a perfect writer and I probably never will be, but I believe that I learned a lot in this class. I learned how to have my own voice in my papers, how to properly cite others, and how to effectively draft, revise and edit my paper to the final draft. Now that I understand how to do all of this, it will help me with papers I will be writing no matter what the class or topic may be.
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